Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I do not eat 50 times a day.
My brother started laughing at me when I said I have to watch what I eat for dance. He said, Yeah right! You eat like 50 times a day! Then I went and cried for 1/2 an hour.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Fiona Robyn is going to blog her next novel, Thaw, starting on the 1st of March next year. The novel follows 32 year old Ruth’s diary over three months as she decides whether or not to carry on living.
To help spread the word she’s organising a Blogsplash, where blogs will publish the first page of Ruth’s diary simultaneously (and a link to the blog).
She’s aiming to get 1000 blogs involved – if you’d be interested in joining the splash, email her at or find out more information here.
Thank you!
To help spread the word she’s organising a Blogsplash, where blogs will publish the first page of Ruth’s diary simultaneously (and a link to the blog).
She’s aiming to get 1000 blogs involved – if you’d be interested in joining the splash, email her at or find out more information here.
Thank you!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It's out!
We just released Vampmag publicly!! YAY!!! It's a little early, but I won't be able to tomorrow. Let me know what you think!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Crazy Color Quiz
![]() | took the free personality test! "Believes that ideas and emotions should come toget..."
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Just make them go away
I had this post, but I screwed it up, like I do every thing else, so if you wanna know what it was about, E-Mail me.
Just one day a week... That's all I've ever asked...
Just one day a week... That's all I've ever asked...
Friday, September 25, 2009
I never even got a thank you...

So, when I was at my sitting job on Wensday, Lannie and Tracy asked me if my brothers would be intrested in doing some yardwork for them. I said I'd ask, and I came home to tell Kyller (Robert's not here yet) that I got him a job, if he was intrested, and he'd get 40 bucks for it. Well, tat's a lot of money for him, cause they NEVER DO ANYTHING. They sit there and say, I'm gonna earn all this money cleaning gutters and doing yard work, but they haven't gotten a single job, because they don't advertise themselves. Or anything really!!! Well, when I told Kyller, I'd hoped he'd be all excited because, well, I just got him 40 dollars, for a good job, and he doesn't even care. Like, he said cool. But no one said thanks. Not once. Even when I pointed out that nobody said thanks, my step mom just kept saying, Well, if you weren't such a brat to him, he might say thanks. But I'm not that bad. At least I don't think I am. I mean, the only thing I had done that day was pretend to hit him with my book, cause I asked if he loved me (before I told him about the job) and he said no. So I PRETENDED to hit him with my book, and Rachel (my step mom's) all like, well, it's because your such a brat to him. And, yeah, I do make snarky remarks. But I only do that cause, well, I'm always compeating with him, cause my dad NEVER TALKS TO ME. I don't get into truble, I'm not... Anything. Nothing special, nothing out of the ordanary, ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. So he never has to worry about me, never has to talk to, me, cause I'm the good child. And I'm stuck here for the weekend, with both Kyller and Robert, and grandpa Steve and I JUST WANNA GO BACK TO MOMS!!!!!! And I thought I'd never say that. But I'm sitting here, infront of everyone, crying, and no one even bothers to notice. I just wanna go back to moms. They just don't notice... I feel homesick, but not to go back to moms. But I'm at dads, and there's no where else that's home to me... Like there's some place I need to be, some place that wants me to be there, but I can't, cause I don't even know where it is, or why it wants me there... I know that sounds really, odd... But it really does feel like that. Like I need to be somewhere, that really needs me, but I can't be there... Where is it??
BTW, Lannie told me they found someone else to do the job... But I don't feel better for some reason...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Well, I guess I have a few things to tell you. No dance class today. I made this beutiful bowl today. But it broke. Sad day. And I sat again. Just like 2 hours. She's such a cute little girl.
A friend had lost a great uncle, and got me thinking about greif. I'm kinda a morbid person, so it's something I think about a lot.
How do you lose someone close to you? The way I see it, the easier it is to love them, the harder it is to lose them. Sometimes, if they're in pain, it's almost barable to lose them. What if you were faced with this choice: to see someone you love happy and lose them one day, OR to keep them alive 2 days longer, and though they may be happy, not as happy as they could be? What if this was your best friend, and you'd do anything to watch them live just a few days longer, but you also wanted them to be happy? A lot of people don't want to die in a hospital. I don't. My stepmom had an older brother, but he was hit by a truck when he was only 3. They put him on life support, but when the day came, they had to let him die. What about that? Could you tell a nurse to let a loved one die, if it was the best thing? So many people say of course, but really think about it. Think about how you'd feel. Would you feel guilty? Upset? Or would you just not be able to register the fact that someone so close to you had died, until you were faced with seeing them lowered into the ground (assuming they had a funerel). Or could you bear the veiwing if they were cremated, and could you stand simplily letting the ashes fall to the ground?
well, I think that's enough morbidy (that even a word??) for today. On the bright side: My stepmoms making chicken potato soup!!

Okay. So my birthday's at the end of July. Well, during the summer, we never really have any money, so my dad said he'd buy my preasent in September when he went back to work. So, of course, the job got moved to Jan. Well, at the moment he's been working side jobs and some stuff the company's giving him, but it's just 1 or 2 day stuff. Well, my stepmom was going through and trying to figure out what to do for my birthday, and we're going to save up some money and go see The Nutcracker and I'm totally excited about that! It's an OBT production. I want to get into their school, and I think I might actually have a shot, but most likily not. Well, I might as well adution. Well, the good news:
1. I did really well in my ceramics class (I mdae a bowl that actually has some sort of resebalence to a bowl!!) and in my dance class.
2. I'm sitting tonight, not tomorrow.
3. Well, there isn't really a 3.
Bad news:
1. My leo is COVERED in clay.
2. Tution for OBT would be about 2,000 dollars.
3. I have an un-healthy addiction to food.
4. Because of 3, I seriously need to lose weight, but that's getting hard. Great.
Great. Now I'm in a bad mood. I'll go find that studio Claire recomended... Bye.
This has Yuka Lino. She's my all time fave OBT dancers.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Well, that's the end of that...

This is the water garden at my school. That's where the bench is...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sick. Again.
Well, can't go to school today. My throat hurts, I don't wanna eat, my nose is plugged, and I was waking up every hour. It sucks. Now I guess I'm just going to read Midnight Alley, and hope for the best... After I take a shower of course... My hair is really oily... And who knows? Maybe a shower will make me feel better. LOL. That's funny!! I think dying might feel better then right now. I couldn't even sawllo and meds, and they weren't that big. Finnaly I got microscopic ones down, but not without a ton of effort... Great.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009
Sorry. More time than I thought.

Okay. I've got more time then I thought. So I was doing really well in my dance class, and my teacher had me doing lots of demonstrations for the class. Well, at the end of class she asked me where I had taken classes before. I told her,, just some at HSCS and a few months of ballet at ABA. She said, alright. Well your a great dancer. I look forward to working with you! OMG!!!! This is like AMAZING!!! I might get some really good parts now!! I hope so! This is the teacher that's having a baby. The little girl is going to be named Rona Lowe. Lowe is the river where her and her husband met. I'm so happy for her!! She's going to be a great mom!!
Random job
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Backround Check

Friday, September 11, 2009
Saw a few old teachers!!

Well, first Ms. Fluvog. I used to go to her class 2 hours early every day and hang out with her. She's really awesome. Most people don't think so though... She's kinda old. Well, I was running in the halls (lol, that's see them expell me now!) and when I got to her classroom she was just locking the door, and I was kinda out of breath and said, so did ya miss me?? And I will never forget that monent (I had cut all my hair off so...) from Who the hell is this, to Oh My God it's Ash type thing. I missed her. Then I saw Mr. Soto after he had finsished yelling at my brother, I went and saw him. He's cool to. Fluvog was my science teacher and Soto was my chior teacher. This was at my last school. I was only there for a little while. Like 2 and 1/2 months.
This is Lane. DO NOT EVER GO HERE!!!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009

I got the job!! The lady was so nice!! It's a single sex family (if you comment, please don't say anything bad about that) and the little girls god mother lives with them. I didn't meet Tracy, but Lannie is really nice. It's pronounced lawny-y. They're both bigger ladies (again, no problem with that, and I only know about Tracy because that's what Lannie said) and Tracy has tattoos all over her body (awesome!). When I went to the interveiw, Lannie started talking to be about how much I charge (I decided on babysitters) and I'm thinking, oh please don't say I charge to mcuh. Cause it really wasn't. Just 3 dollars. She's like, yeah, maybe for 2 kids, but it's just Gracie, and I'm not paying you less then 5 dollars an hour. And it's 1-2 days, 4 hours. So I'm getting like 40 dollars a week!! But I think I'm going to put half of it away for college/ a car when I'm older. I start Sat, from 11:30 to 3:30. YAY!! I'm going to have money!! lol.
Gracie is almost 1 now, but whatever.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

OMG!! I might get this really great job! It's 1 or 2 days a week and some weekends, for 3 or 4 hours! A little girl that's almost 1. She works from home so the only problem is do I charge her Mothers Helper (1 dollar and hour per child) or Babysitter (3 dollars an hour per child)?? LOL. YAY!!! I just need to call her, then meet up with her, and if she likes me, I'll get the job!! I hope I get it... LOL. Anyways. TTYL!! haha. COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!
And the babies are just ADORABLE!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It went great!!!
OMG!! School was great! I made a few friends, my teachers are mostly great, my classes (for the most part) are a ton of fun, and my dance teachers are awesome! One is named Claire. She's got 6 weeks left of her pragnacy. It's a girl!! More updates later! lol. No picture for today!

Well, it's 3:54am. I'm starting my first day at Da Vinci Arts Middle School. If you've been to goodreads (and I know you have), here is excatly how the orentation went. I know thid is bad, but one of the reasons I didn't like them was because they never asked what my name was. I know that sounds stupid and shallow, but, it doesn't take anything to read a name tag. It does take some sort of compasion to ask someone. Anyways, that's the end of todays rant. Fad Out releases in: 57 days!!!! I need professinal help. My alarm just went off. It's 4am now. Wow. Alright. I'm gona go get ready and what not... I'll tell you how it was. Don't expect some great report though... LOL. BYE!!!
This is Da Vinci by the way.
This is Da Vinci by the way.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Well, sucks for you.
Go Ask Alice

Okay. Go Ask Alice is the besi book I've ever read. Well, in '06 they made it into a movie. So I live in Portland most of the time, and Salem the other time. Well, I looked in Salem Library (I don't have a card there, but I was willing to get one, just for that movie) and Multnomah co library. They didn't have it at eathier. And for Multco not to have anything book, dvd, CD, musical score, anything is insane. So then I go to And how the hell boarders doesn't have my movie, I don't know. So then my step mom suggests going to I am desprate for this movie, so I go. No luck. By now I'mm doubting there even is a movie. So after I'm sure there is (a few google searches) I decide to go to Barnes & Noble. THEY HAVE IT!! Now the problem: I don't want to buy it unless I know I like it. I've always been that way. I won't buy books unless I've already read them, and know I like them. And even then, I weary. So, I could watch it online, but it is only 15 dollars. But right now: I'm broke. I've got 25 dollars, and I need 7 of it for Fade Out. So I've got 18 dollars. And that's to last me, well, forever. This is why I need babysiting jobs. So I could watch it online, but I hate doing that. What do you guys think? Oh, also, if I buy the movie, I really wanna buy the book.
I swear to you, that book cover will haunt me. Not in like a werid way, but I will NEVER forget it.
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Some people just don't know when to stop... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This is some information that a 'vampire' sent me.
Myths about vampires. Some of them are so incredibly dumb that I have to laugh. Okay, number 1, we don't turn into bats. Number 2, Not all vampires sparkle, only the Shining species do. Venus is one of them, so yes, she does sparkle. I, however, don't sparkle. Number 3, What IS true is that we are both very cold-skinned, VERY pale, and we can do those amazing things that that Edward guy from Twilight does. Number 4, Venus and I can run at incredible speeds, but it's easier for me at night. Number 5, Venus is incredibly strong, but I am faster than her.
About our skin: Here is another thing that usually comes up. Surprisingly, Venus is just fine in the sunlight, it doesn't hurt her, and when she goes out in the sun she wears a lot of make up to cover her sparkliness. Me, however, I am EXTREMELY shy to sunlight, it scares me...and burns my skin BADLY.
About our eyes: Venus's eyes don't change color, but mine do. That makes me happy. My eyes go from different shades of blue, to different shades of grey, to different shades of green, depending on what mood I'm in. Different species of vampires have different types of eyes.
About our lifespan: MYTH: we live forever. Well, we do, but not in a way you would think. Our "soul" lives forever, we get reincarnated endlessly. Humans can go to heaven. Vampires can't. I'm not sure if this is true with all vampires though, but woth the type I am, this is true. By the way, I am actually not sure on what type of vampire I am. I'm still trying to figure it out.
About our Diet: Yes, we do drink blood. I usually drink animal blood, but human blood just tastes SO much better. As a matter of fact, just a few minutes ago I almost attacked my neighbors.
About, reproduction: A bit of an uncomfortable topic, but here it goes. We can have kids. But the easiest way to...damn I hate this topic...."repruduce", is by biting.
Now, here is more information on me. I am known as a tracker, I have an incredible sense of smell. I also can "read people" extremely well based on body language, facial expressions, and speech. Basically, I know you before I know you. And, I am a MASTER at mind-manipulation. It's my most favored ability! I can basically make you think whatever I please. I don't use it too much though, that would be cruel. I am also a master at charming people, and I'm assuming most people can do this. All I have to do is look at someone a certain way, and their eyes are glued on me and they usually walk into walls or things like that. It usually gives me a laugh. And there I have it: dinner. Venus is much more proffessional at this than I am, though.
And here is some frightening information about me. I have to hunt at least once a month, and if I don't....things get really scary. I start to hunt in my sleep. (Yes, I sleep, but mostly during the day. I'm up at night. Nocturnal, as you might say.) THAT is when I start killing uncontrollably. One day I woke up with grass all over me and blood on my hands and mouth, with no memeory as to how it happened. Frightening. Very frightening, indeed.
It's all from different books! At least, I think os. What about you guys?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I know I'm plae but this is just....

So my dad was taking me to the library and I stated how pale I was. And he said, It's getting into fall. You're not supposed to be tan. And I said, yeah, but look at me. This is rediculas. He said: Look at Rachel (my Casper step mom). And that was the end of that conversation. Well, I guess I looked kinda sad or something (totally didn't mean to) and he's like, you can go getta tan if you want. I said, yeah. Tanning in the rain is real effictive. And he's like no. I mean at a salon. Then we started joking about how I'd look tan for Christmas cards. But anyways, I started him crap about hw I could get skin cancer. Wayta take care of you only daughter and whatnot. So, am I really so pale that I need to go to a tanning salno? Wow. That's pale.
Fun fact: My name is Ashley Taylor. Translated into: Tailer of Ash Trees. I wanted to find a green forest fariy, but couldn't come up with any of them that weren't kids. But she's plae like me! And I like purple.
Now what?

I've got 59 days of waiting to do until Fade Out releases. WTH? I'm skipping school that day as is. But what do I read? That's basicly what I do with my day. Now I've become what is called 'scoial'. Fan-freakin-tastic. I'm going to have to wait 2 months before I get my new book. And my new book has Shane Collions, Michel Glass, Eve Rosser, and Claire Danvers. And I've go to wait 2 months before I can read it. If you've read the Morganville Vamps, you understand. Now I must go talk to the freaking nijias and see if they can pull a few black belts and get me my book a little sooner. And before you ask, no. That picture has nothing to do with Morganville. I just liked it. It's like a vampire fairy. I love both. So sue me.
Well, sometimes you've just got to role over and take it

I'm looking for new babysitting jobs, and it's going pretty good so far. But what do I do in my spare time? I read. THAT'S IT. Now schools starting and I'm not going to be able to fallow my book a day rule. LOL. I need pro help. Thanks for reading this pointeless post. LOL. And I just liked this picture. no reason.
Well, I finally did it

I know this sounds stupid, but I've always wanted to start a diary, but I could never really get down to it. Well, Dale gave me a diary, and I've actually been writing in it! LOL. I might post some entires, but idk. For now: School is stating in 3 days!!! and Fade Out releases in 59 days! Daddy already said I can skip school that day so I can get it right when it comes out! LOL. YAY!! Don't judge me.
And this is Anne Frank's diary. Just an FYI.
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