So, hello everyone!
I'm going to Medford tomorrow!
I'm done with Reiner!
Mrs. Porter is coming back though, and I'm sad about that. I really like Mrs. Berg.
I'm listening to Life As We Knew It, on audio book. It's not very good. Oh well. I mean, the book itself is AMAZING, books on audio, not so much. But it's fine if your doing something else at the same time. This chick reading it is annoying me.
I downloaded 24 books this morning. For the 5 hour ride. With my sweaty brothers. Wounderful, huh?
So, I ended up doing my speech in privet. With only Lin and Mrs. Porcelli. It wasn't to bad. I was still really nervous.
The day with Peter... Well, wasn't that bad. He came and sat with me at lunch. Said I looked lonely. Lin abandoned me today, she said I was being mean. The only reason I even went to school today is to be there for her speech. I'm not complaining or anything, just saying.
Her voice is really annoying me. This chick reading the audio book. I kinda want to strangle her. lol. So, I think I'll text Peter on the way up there. I know it doesn't seem very important, but I don't want to seem overbaring. Haha.
Audios amigos!!
p.s. Lin said the reson Peter won't ask me out is because he's nervous. I hope he doesn't. I hate middle school relationships. I wouldn't be able to say yes unless he promised it'd be more then that. And I bet he wouldn't. Oh well.