It's been over 2 weeks, I haven't been giving you updates, yadda yadda yadda.
I asked Peter out. Yeah. Starting to realize it might not have been the best decision. But I did, and a week later, he said yes. Then I put him through the normal (for me anyways) Are you just saying that to get me to stop pointing it out, and the, Because you feel guilty/ obligated, then he replied with this: NO! I LIKE YOU, WERE GOING OUT, LIVE WITH IT! So that was pretty funny.
Oh, but I was hanging out with Shaleena (before he agreed) and we had this conversation:
Me: What should we do?
Peter: Who's we?
Me: Me and my boyfriend.
Peter: wtf???????
Me: Why? Are you jealous? Lol. (I was TOTALLY kidding)
Peter: Who?
Me: Idk. Why do you want to know?
Peter: Well, I still haven't given my answer.
Me: Dude. It's been a week. And just so you know, jk.
Peter: Why did I know that? And I've waited that long before.
Me: A week is a long time for a middle school relationship.
Then we got into a conversation about past 'exs'.
Idk... It feels like it did with Kobel.... Like it really was just a crush, and I don't actually like him.... Maybe I should just give it more of a chance....
I told my mom, cause he wanted to put it on Facebook, and she's like, what does 'going out' entail these days? And said, mostly just the ability to say, we're going out. And she said, Well, I guess I'm okay with that. Just ask next time.
Wtf? I didn't have to ask last time. And I really didn't even have to tell her, but I did, cause I wanted her to know she's still apart of my life, even though I live with my dad! I'm not allowed to watch 2 and 1/2 men, or Family Guy, or anything above PG-13, or stay up past 10 on weekends, or do ANYTHING! It's insane. Her house is just so set up for younger kids, like Robert and Addison, and Dylan. Not for me, who's 13, or for AJ, who's 15, it's just... She wants to treat us both like we're 12, and I hate it! It's ridiculous, and I hate saying this, but I can not move back in when shes treating me like I'm 5!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I know..

I know... I'm a crappy blogger. I can't even post every day.
But, I just got my new copy of Annie's Baby. I LOVE that book!
So, Peter asked me out. Then 12 later... Changed his mind. I know I should've stuck with book characters. Wes! Wes NEVER would've done such a thing. Shane! Shane never would've just... CHANGED HIS MIND! Lucas! Lucas wouldn't have ever just said, sorry.. I guess I'll talk to you later. Sigh. Boys in books really are better...
I'm not toally sure what else is going on... My mom and step dad got married at SafeCo field, opening day for the Mariners. Yay!
Sigh. There's no milk... and no waffles. No breakfast, and I'm kinda hungry.
I gave my baby sister a new nick name: Duck. I'll say, Wazzup duck? and she'll giggle.
later peeps.
p.s. MV8 is coming out in 14 days!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Vacation, Baby!

So, hello everyone!
I'm going to Medford tomorrow!
I'm done with Reiner!
Mrs. Porter is coming back though, and I'm sad about that. I really like Mrs. Berg.
I'm listening to Life As We Knew It, on audio book. It's not very good. Oh well. I mean, the book itself is AMAZING, books on audio, not so much. But it's fine if your doing something else at the same time. This chick reading it is annoying me.
I downloaded 24 books this morning. For the 5 hour ride. With my sweaty brothers. Wounderful, huh?
So, I ended up doing my speech in privet. With only Lin and Mrs. Porcelli. It wasn't to bad. I was still really nervous.
The day with Peter... Well, wasn't that bad. He came and sat with me at lunch. Said I looked lonely. Lin abandoned me today, she said I was being mean. The only reason I even went to school today is to be there for her speech. I'm not complaining or anything, just saying.
Her voice is really annoying me. This chick reading the audio book. I kinda want to strangle her. lol. So, I think I'll text Peter on the way up there. I know it doesn't seem very important, but I don't want to seem overbaring. Haha.
Audios amigos!!
p.s. Lin said the reson Peter won't ask me out is because he's nervous. I hope he doesn't. I hate middle school relationships. I wouldn't be able to say yes unless he promised it'd be more then that. And I bet he wouldn't. Oh well.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Well, he didn't ask me out. He didn't really act any different than normal. Oh well. My teacher presured Lin into giving a speech she wasn't ready for. She was freaking out over it. I, being a good friend, tried to tell her it'd be okay, that if she really didn't want to do the speech that she could just say she wasn't going to and take the grade. Peter, being an awesome indivdual, went to speak to Mrs. Porcelli. He told her that Lin wasn't ready, she was supposed to go tomorrow anyways, she's scared, and that 'you pressured her into giving her speech'. Needless to say, that didn't go over very well. She went off on Lin. Telling Peter, I never pressured her, and when she actually got on Lin about it and how she never pressured her, Peter said, She never said that. Then she (Mrs. Porcelli) said, then where did you get that? Peter: I made it up. Then she got on him about not making stuff up. So, therefore, I vote Peter Kukla get best friend ever award. lol.
Speeches make me cry. I get up in front of the class, and start to cry because I'm so afraid. I went up to Mrs. Porcelli and told her why I couldn't do the speech and she said, That's okay. You can come in early one morning and just give it to me. She smiled. I told her a week before the speeches we're to start. All was good. But, I went up to her today and said, I might not be here Wensday, Thursday, Friday. I'm going on vaction with my family. She said, okay, so your doing your speech tomorrow. I said, Maybe. She flipped. Said that I had to give my speech, things like that. I told her that I was doing it early, remember? She said, oh yes. Alright. Then, when she was annoucning who would go, she said, Ashley your going to go first, alright? What could I have said?? So I said, Sure. Peter went off. Said that she pressured both of us into giving our speeches before we were ready, things like that. Luckily, he didn't say it to Porcelli though. I told him he was going to get expelded if he didn't knock it off. I think he MIGHT have listened to me. lol.
Well, I suppose that's about the extent of it. Well, besides the fact that the short term math sub is a dumbass.
Speeches make me cry. I get up in front of the class, and start to cry because I'm so afraid. I went up to Mrs. Porcelli and told her why I couldn't do the speech and she said, That's okay. You can come in early one morning and just give it to me. She smiled. I told her a week before the speeches we're to start. All was good. But, I went up to her today and said, I might not be here Wensday, Thursday, Friday. I'm going on vaction with my family. She said, okay, so your doing your speech tomorrow. I said, Maybe. She flipped. Said that I had to give my speech, things like that. I told her that I was doing it early, remember? She said, oh yes. Alright. Then, when she was annoucning who would go, she said, Ashley your going to go first, alright? What could I have said?? So I said, Sure. Peter went off. Said that she pressured both of us into giving our speeches before we were ready, things like that. Luckily, he didn't say it to Porcelli though. I told him he was going to get expelded if he didn't knock it off. I think he MIGHT have listened to me. lol.
Well, I suppose that's about the extent of it. Well, besides the fact that the short term math sub is a dumbass.
Saturday, March 13, 2010

So, I've yet to be posting every day like I'm supposed to. But, good news! Rachel Caine updated her sample chapters of Kiss Of Death, MV8. So. Freaking. Amazing. And, she added the cover to MV9, witch she'll be finishing soon! MV9 is going to be titled, Ghost Town, and both are pictured here.
So, how is everyone? I'm good, b een better, but good.

I'm having a sleepover with my friend, Lin. There's this guy I like, and all 3 of us are friends. Well, Lin sent Peter a text message, and she won't tell me what it said. So, I asked Peter. I begged him to tell me. My text said: Please. I'm asking, as your friend, please tell me. His reply: I'm sorry. I can't. Lin told me not to. But I hope we're still friends. I said: Of course we are. Kick virtual ass! (Don't reply... Unless you want to tell me what she said). Now, normally I wouldn't care. But she said it was about me. And when i first asked about it, she denied even texting him, so I'm a little worried.
She told me it'd be a surprise for Monday. I went through the whole
thing about how bad surprises are for me. She said to trust her, it's a good thing. I don't trust her... At least not with this... Wish me luck! I swear I'll post again on Monday, tell you what happened. Is it right to be nervous?

This is Lin and I, yesterday.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hola Peeps
Working on my stupid peopleing project. It's a 3 month project that my teacher wants me to do in 6 weeks. I'm at the breaking point. My dad and step mom are fighting, I've been sick and have never wished more that I was at school, not to mention the fact that I really just hate being here. Don't ask where here is, cause I really have no idea. I know I'm sick, lonely, and tired. My dad wants me to work on my project though, so I will, cause I'm a good little girl : Shoot me now.
More posts later. Sorry I haven't been posting everyday like I'm supposed to. I'll be better. Promise! lol. :)
More posts later. Sorry I haven't been posting everyday like I'm supposed to. I'll be better. Promise! lol. :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Here's a link to some of my stories, poems, and... Yeah. Let me know what you think! lol
More... Stories? lol
More... Stories? lol


So, I used to try and post every day, but I feel out of that habbit when my brothers really started becoming un-bearable. I started another blog, and you don't get to see it until it's got a respectable amount of posts on it. So it'll be about a month. So, in the middle of the year, I left Da Vinci to go back to Lane. I stayed there for 4 weeks, then moved again. Now I'm at Jackson Middle School. Actually, I really love it. The choir class is amazing. And I'm also an office aid. Well, for one week, I have to carry around 10 pounds of flour. It's supposed to be a baby. That's all to report for right now!
Oh, and Lannie moved, and I got another sitting job, but then I moved, so yeah. But I moved closer to Lannie, and she called me once to ask if I could sit. I couldn't. I was really sad about that actually.
My mom had her baby! Her name is Addison Lavelle Craig. She was born on 11/20 2009. She's super cute, but needs to be held 100% of the time. It's pretty consuming.
Dill Pickle is doin great! He's so cute!
Robert pushed Pickle on the bus. He wasn't allowed to go on his field trip. Instead, he got to stay home. Needless, to say, I wasn't very happy.
Kyller decided he doesn't like his school, so he's going to change, cause it's to hard. That really makes me mad. I work really hard to get into other schools, and I'm a good student. Not Kyller though. And his mom, Kandi, was going to keep him out of school for a month becausehe didn't have all of his shots. And she was going to let him! The irony: He had all of them.
I think A.J.'s been efficiently disowned. I haven't seen him in over a year. Sad huh?
Later peeps! Damn it feels good to be writing this again!
p.s. This is Jackson Middle School.
p.s.s. There's a dance later in March. Think I should go??
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